Thursday, July 8, 2010

Worth a Look (The View From The "Big End") - Vol I Edition 23

If you're reading this, chances are pretty darn good you're up to speed on what's goin' on.  If, however, you're new here (and that's perfectly OK...welcome!), here's the deal: I enjoy looking at photographs (I'm a photographer...go figure!), and on a regular basis I'll go wandering through the listings for the Photographers Of Etsy to do just that...look at photographs. I frequent the "Big End" because I want to catch them before they expire, give them another chance at discovery if you will.  Here are just a few of the images I found this week toward the big end of the list that I felt were worth a look.  Enjoy!

(Note:  The "Big End" is what I call the the oldest of the POE listings. To get there, do a search on Etsy under "All Items" for "poe team".  You will get a list of somewhere around 400 or 500 listings; the "Big End" is the end of the list with the highest numbers, and these are the ones about to drop off and expire.)

walk the line - dragonflyphoto

Chicago's Pritzker Pavilion and Smurfit-Stone - Pleyades

Wigwams in a Row - ljdesignphoto

Brick Facade - PhotoGrunt

Metallic Cat - gothicrow

Dog and the Girl - LivaRutmane

eye of the beholder - PhotogenicGallery

sunny tulip and daffodils - HazyDaisy

Water, Fire, Friends and a Glass of.... - GesturesPhoto

campo santo - Katalystphotos

Unfurling - CatamountDigital


  1. Thanks for including my tulip and daffodil photo, it's a pleasure to be here :)

  2. great collection! and wow, sunny tulip and daffodil took my breath. gorgeous. thanks for all you do to promote POE!

  3. Glad to get the link to your blogspot. I really like your selections and I especially like your idea of the View from the Big End!

  4. They are all lovely, but there is something very intriguing about the Tee-pees (wig wams):) T.

  5. This is a great idea for a regular blog feature. Wonderful to promote other members of POE...thanks!

  6. Wonderful selections, Steve! I hope they all get renewed (or even sold)!

  7. Yeah Sue, sold would be good, wouldn't it? Ha!

  8. again, can't believe they got far enough on etsy to almost expire-beauties!

  9. Thrilled to have my cat print among all these gorgeous images, thanks so much!
