Saturday, January 22, 2011

Project 52 - Week 4

A photo a week...for a year.  Fifty-two weeks; 52 images, minimum.

This week we had some rain, some flooding, a national holiday and a little bit of sun.  Out of that I was able to cobble together a few images.  

On Monday, Martin Luther King Day, I went out with some specific ideas in mind, but was thwarted by flood waters and road closures.  I could've gone around, but didn't really feel like driving 20 miles to go 5, so I made do with the subject matter at hand: flood waters, a road closure and an old barn that was handy.  

Wednesday, my schedule dictated that I go to work late, so I took a road I rarely travel and spied an interesting fencepost.

I hope you find these interesting.

January 17, 2011

January Flood

Flooded Poplars


January 19, 2011

Fence Steams


  1. FAVE: Fence Steams! Good luck with Project 52! I did a 365 last year and, well, it was hardly perfect but I learned a lot. It's quite a challenge to say the least. I found you through Etsy and I'm really enjoying your work. Nice to "meet" you!
