On a regular basis I'll go wandering through the listings for the Photographers Of Etsy just because I like to look at photographs, whether or not I created them. I go to the "Big End" because I want to catch them before they expire, give them another chance at discovery if you will. Here are just a few of the ones I found this week toward the big end of the list that I felt were worth a look. At first it seemed like a "Fruit" based theme was developing, but it was not meant to be! I hope you enjoy this week's selections as much as I have.
(Note: The "Big End" is what I call the the oldest of the POE listings. To get there, do a search on Etsy under "All Items" for "poe team". You will get a list of probably a little less than 500 listings; the "Big End" is the end of the list with the highest numbers, and these are the ones about to drop off and expire.)
Red Apples - takenbyrobinlynne
Oops - studio19
Pomegranate - octoberphotography
Tres - Pear Series - TiffanyTeske
Abandoned - ljdesignphoto
Trier Cobblestones - PhotoGrunt
Seaside Memory - HouseofSixCats
Morning Dew - rrobertsphoto
Vines - LindseysPhotography
hwipping - curioush
Scratching an Itch - DiamondIsis