I have a list of words, currently numbered at 113, and each week I go to an online random number generator to get...(Wait for it!)...a randomly generated number! I use this number to point me to the tag word that I'll use to search for images that will populate that week's feature.
This week the "new" word turned out to be "Old" (ironic, huh?) which produced thirteen pages of listings to choose from. My target is to put together a collection of 10 images or so, and this week I ended up with a grouping of 14. Please take a look; I hope you enjoy them as much as I have!
Oh, and as always, please feel free to send me your word suggestions; the list is by no means limited to 113.
Open The Door - joyfulspiritphoto
The Back Door - firstlightphoto
joe4 - JKTeichPhotography
Two Pretty (Dried Rose Collection) - TheShutterbugEye
Young and Old - rrobertsphoto
the sad little pony - Katalystphotos
Abstract Macro...Old Tire - henatayeb
Old School - mkcphotography
Old Homestead - curioush
Broken Headlight - AbandonedHouses
Old chair with telephone - seabelly
Old Shanghai - (Bike Lane, Shanghai, China) - photopia
Welcome Home - squidart
Gas Work Park - Belt Wheels - PhotoGrunt