Saturday, December 10, 2011

Project 52 - Week 49

A photo a week...for a year.  Fifty-two weeks; 52 images, minimum.

This time of year, as autumn wanes and winter is waiting in the wings, our days are dominated by the night.  It gets dark earlier and the sun rises later.  As such, there is more opportunity for low-light photography, and I have been embracing that of late...I love the tonal qualities one can achieve when low-light images are rendered in black and white.  Look for more to come.

December 8

I often pass by this concrete plant on my way home from work, and the interplay of light and dark, illumination and shadow across the plant's superstructure proves irresistible.  I anticipate more visits to this site.

Concrete Plant

Concrete Plant 2

December 9

On my way home from work one day this week I'm visually assaulted by an enormous sign and a massive tent, a canvass pavilion really, one of colossal proportions.  Both sign and pavilion are bathed in an illumination so bright that they seem to leap from the night making the darkness insignificant.  It certainly catches my attention, and I'm sure that's the intent, for this is the advance setup for Cavalia.  But for me there's something implied invitation, a calling if you will, to capture these images photographically.  I return the following night and do just that.


Cavalia Pavilion

Cavalia Pavilion 2